E-Rx: More precise and well-performed prescriptions

E-Rx: Efficiency, credibility, accuracy, patient safety…

Compared to hand-written prescriptions, e-prescriptions are extremely clear in terms of treatment and dosage. This can increase efficiency and reduce the prescription error rate. Our world has been radically transformed by digital technology. Join us!

Prepare your E-Prescription within seconds:

A lot of physicians do not like working on health systems to create E-prescriptions, there are two major reasons: (1) Some systems may consume a lot of time because they are not easy to use (2) Or because some systems may have a clear shortage of medicine data information.

Virteb E-prescribing own system aims at solving the many problems that the physician faces in that step:

  • Virteb is supported with one of the most updated medical data, and the update does not stop.
  • Virteb has a user friendly, easy to use interface which helps the user to complete the task in no time.
Get in touch for more about Virteb
Get in touch for more about Virteb

E-prescriptions and the smart AI tools:

The E-prescribing system in Virteb is supported by smart AI tools that would help the physician to create and review prescriptions in no time. With that being said, an ultimate benefit regarding speed and efficiency of prescriptions and listed medicines according to the patient’s case, will be one of the best results to reach using this feature. E-prescribing enables for physicians to track and control substance prescriptions a patient has received. Also, and within a single click the doctor can rewrite the patient’s last Rx, and he can modify or delete any medicine he wanna let the patient stop taking. Join us! It is time to become a part of the growing IT technological systems in the healthcare field.

Why Join Us?

We have a professional team who has worked on producing such an integrated program according to the latest “AI” and “UX” updates to be your secretary assistant and first partner in improving your clinic in addition to producing high-quality medical services with no effort.

We are Here To Help. Never wait and be part of our success.

Get in touch now to know more about Virteb and its premium tools